New Covenant Church
From The Pastor's Heart
“Let Us Excel to Compel… 2020 The Year of Deliverance and Redemption”
In the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I see 2020 as a year of us learning to join forces in the Spirit of Unity. For the word of God says: “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1). New Covenant we are family and we are on this new journey together. Think about it long before we arrived at this year “2020” we have heard our ophthalmologist [A medical doctor who specializes in Eye and vision care] speak in regards to diagnosis for people with 20/20 vision. If you are said to have 20/20 vision then you are one to be declared to have normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. It is imperative that we pray for clarity and sharpness of God’s vision as we advance together for Kingdom purposes.
New Covenant in the year 2020 we [together] will “Excel” become exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject. Our activity is outreach and our subject is love. In the year 2000 (2 decades ago), the Lord gave me an acronym for Love:
Looking for the
Value in
Every person
As I reflect on this word love and take a look at our church mission statement (on the back of the bulletin) it is amazing to me that over 2 decades ago God was preparing my mind, my heart, my gifting, and life experiences to bring me here to work together with you for His Kingdom Mission.
The second part of our assignment for 2020 is to “Compel” to bring about something by use of force or pressure. New Covenant we will use love to bid others who are in need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to come and join us in this mission. “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). We want our loved ones back, we want the lost back, we want the unchurched back, we want the broken back, we want the captive back, we want those looking for love back; and we want all of God’s children back.
New Covenant we must therefore, take on the passion of Christ through His genuine compassion and become a movement in this community by doing the things that matter the most to Jesus. We find this in Matthew 25:35-36; 40 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me”. The King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”